11 December 2013

Awesome stuff last night!

Well done last night!  Awesome to see you challenging yourself and trying something completely new on those tracks tonight. 

I hope you found the tips from the instructors useful - and remember, it was only two hours over two weeks, so you can't expect yourself to be a master mountainbiker just yet!  As with any new skill, it takes time to develop the techniques - so practice, practice, practice!

Remember, this Sunday is the annual Jingle Bells Jog and Santa Walk, from the Trafalgar Centre Carpark through to Tahunanui Beach.  $5 for an individual or $10 per family entry which goes directly to the Heart Foundation.  Dress up in theme and have some Christmas active fun.  Prizes for best dressed, most ringing bells among others - more info can be found at http://nelsonevents.co.nz/content/jingle-bells-jog-and-santa-walk
There is a returning bus available for an additional $2 donation.

Next Tuesday is our final session for this year, and we will be instore with Carl at Bicycle Business, which is located on Halifax Street, inbetween the library and Burger King.  This is on bike maintenance and will cover topics such as how to change a tyre and how to take care of your bike etc.

If I don't see you on Sunday morning, see you Tuesday.

In the meantime, as always, keep active,

03 December 2013

MTB'ing tonight

Tonight we start the first of our two mountainbiking sessions. 
These will be based from Branford Park, which is the grassy area on the left as you enter the Maitai Valley (off Nile St). 6.30pm
You will need a bike and a helmet.

You do not have to have a mountain-bike for these sessions, just a bike that can go off road, ie has tyres that can handle being on the grass and tracks (not smooth road tyres).

At the start of the session, I will ask you to place yourself in order of confidence, so please don't be concerned that you will be riding with expert downhillers!  In the past we have had three/four different groups, and the instructors will cater to your group - so be honest with yourself to get the most out of the session.  We start off on the grassy fields and then work our way up to going on some of the surrounding tracks.  Heaps of fun!

See you tonight.

11 November 2013

Aquajogging this week

This Tuesday we head to Riverside Pool, (Riverside Drive, off Halifax St) for our aquajogging session.  A reminder that this session starts later than normal - at 7.15pm.

We will most probably do this in two groups, having a half hour session of aquajogging and half hour session of 'own' time in the pool, where you can swim some laps or just relax (then switching) - I'll assess this tomorrow night when we see how many of us are there.

There are changing room facilities at the Pool, so just mention you are part of the Womens Activator Group when you enter through the Reception, and then head in and get changed and ready for some fun!

See you soon,

09 November 2013

DOMS anyone?

I hope you enjoyed Tuesday's session with Gaye and Jo and weren't too sore afterwards ;)
I certainly had a bit of 'DOMS', feeling my hamstrings after those sideways touch your toes lunges!

Just a reminder that next week's session is slightly later (start at 7.15pm).  Will email more details regarding this session early next week.

In the interim, I saw Nige today and he is going to email me through the technique drills from his session so I can forward them onto you, and Jo is going to send through some of her stretching notes.

Below is a note from Gaye:

Hi all Active Women, Thanks for being such good sports and giving a mini Bootcamp session a go on Tuesday night. Well done all of you.
There is a special offer from me in your activator booklet, if you want any more info please contact me on email gayeevans@xtra.co.nz  or txt/ph 0210671122. I also put stuff up on facebook see Boot Camp Nelson page.

Gaye Evans
Personal Trainer

04 November 2013

This week's session

This week we return to the Botanics for our session with Jo Duncan (stretching) and Gaye Evans (outdoor training).  6.30pm.

If you can, please bring a towel or mat (the ground may be damp) for the stretch segment, and longs may be beneficial for warding off sandflys!

Wear comfortable stretchy clothing (ie nothing to restrict yourself while stretching).

See you there,

28 October 2013

Shoe Clinic this week

This week we head to the Shoe Clinic in Bridge St for half an hour on correct support with Brett Meehan, followed by a half hour jog / walk with the NBS Nelson Striders.

See you there at 6.30pm.

22 October 2013

Tonight's session

Remember the warm clothing and rain jacket for tonight!!

21 October 2013

This week

This Tuesday night we return to the Botanics at 6.30pm for a talk with Nige Burgess on training principles.  We also have Greg Lineham coming to talk about race walking technique.  Then for our active section, we stay at the Botanics and will have some fun giving the technique a go, before continuing with some running technique drills with Nige.

Remember to bring some warm layers whilst the talking segment is on.

See you there!

18 October 2013

Upcoming Events

Ian from the NBS Nelson Striders metioned that a few of you were asking about the Athletics Nelson Honest Lawyer series - he has forwarded the following info to me for you:

The Honest Lawyer series will kick of this season on Monday the 4th November. The initial series will run for 8 weeks, ending on the 23rd December.

Walkers 6:00pm, Runners 6:15pm. Entry fee $3.00

Other events coming up

Also coming up is Run Mahana - Sunday December 1, see www.nelsonevents.co.nz for more info

as is the annual Jingle Bells Jog, charity fun run/walk/skate/scoot for the Heart Foundation.  Sunday December 15th.

Then in January is the Striders annual 6 o'clock summer series up the Maitai Valley, starting Tuesday 7th January, with a 3km.  No charge.

And whilst your diary is out, remember the Women's Tri in April 2014!!

Session #4

Hope the DOMS weren't too much to handle on Wednesday/Thursday after our session on Tuesday night!

Just a quick email that this week's session is not at the Shoe Clinic as I discussed on Tuesday night (that's the following Tuesday).  This week we return to the Botanics to meet with Nige (Training Principles) and Greg (Race Walking) - will email more details soon.

14 October 2013

Session #3

This Tuesday we head to the Botanics, (base of the Centre of NZ, off Milton St) for our talk with Lyndon Chandler of Nayland Physiotherapy on injury prevention.  Remember, to bring along questions for him - he loves them!


Then, after the 20 minute talk we will head out for a jog / walk with the NBS Nelson Striders.

Bring comfortable jogging/walking gear, and layers to keep warm whilst the talk is on. 

See you there,

Keep active (and dry)

08 October 2013

Session Two

Tonight we begin our running and walking section of the series, and to start we are heading out with the NBS Nelson Striders.

Meet in the 'Striders' carpark, opposite the Suter Art Gallery on Bridge St at 6.30pm.

Wear comfortable and bright coloured clothing for a 30-40 min walk or jog.  And looking outside, wear something warm - and bring a rain jacket!

You can choose to go with the walking group or the jogging group - if you want to have a go at jogging, but not sure how long you're last, start with the jogging group and give it a go.  You can always walk when you need to.

See you there!

30 September 2013

Our first session tomorrow night!

I look forward to meeting you all tomorrow evening.  I will send out an email tonight with info regarding our first session.
This will be at the Trafalgar Park Pavillion, 6.30pm - 7.30pm.  This will be mainly a talking session, so no need to wear anything specific, just comfy clothing, and please if you can, bring along a pen.
See you soon!!

A couple of people have asked if they can register tomorrow evening, as they can't get in to NCC or do not own a cheque book, that is fine.  I will have some spare registration forms there, please just bring your registration fee in a marked envelope so that I can attach it to your form and then take it into NCC on Wednesday.

16 September 2013

Link to the Registration Form

The pdf document can be found at http://www.nelsoncitycouncil.co.nz/leisure/recreation/leisure-activities/womens-activator-series/

13 September 2013

2013 2014 Series set to open on Monday

Registrations will be taken from this coming Monday at NCC.
I will email the Registration Form out this afternoon (email nelsonactivator@gmail.com if you would like me to email one out to you) and it should go live on the NCC website also. 

There are still a few sessions in 2014 to be confirmed, as you will see on the form, but the 2013 segment is all set.  Awesome!  Thanks to the NBS Nelson Striders, Lyndon Chandler (Nayland Physiotherapy), Breet Meehan (Shoe Clinic), Greg Lineham, Nigel Burgess PT, Jo Duncan PT, Gaye Evans PT, John McLean and CLM Riverside Pool, Annette Nistor Dietitian, Carl Garth and Bicycle Business, Dave Judson and Julie Slade of Biking Nelson and the team at migym.  Look forward to your sessions real soon!!

The 2013 series starts Tuesday 1st of October.  Remember, spots are limited to 100 participants.

Call me or email nelsonactivator@gmail.com if you would like more info.

12 September 2013

2013 2014 Series

Ooooh, getting close, registration form should be ready for release tomorrow - will update here


06 September 2013

Upcoming Series

Hi All,
Still a couple of sessions to confirm for 2014 segment ... but, getting Registration Form designed now ... so fingers crossed it will be ready and out late next week!
Look forward to seeing you soon.

20 August 2013

2013 2014 Series

Hi all,

I'm preparing the draft format at present for the 2013 2014 Series - will hopefully have some more information up early September for a 1st October start.
Will be in touch soon.

23 April 2013

Feedback Time

I hope this weather of late has been kind to you and you are enjoying the sunny Autumn day today.
I have attached a feedback form for the series, we would really appreciate you taking some time to complete and send in to the Freepost Number at the bottom of page 2.  It is vital we receive this so we can evaluate the series and plan more effectively for future series (and use the positive feedback to help secure funding).
If you would like me to post a copy out to you then either email me or phone and I can organise.

Thanks in advance!

Keep active,

03 April 2013


If it is still raining heavily, we may adjust our session tonight to walking/jogging round parts of the Tri course and transition (as opposed to being on our bikes on the road).  Keep an eye on the blog and I will keep you updated.

02 April 2013

Our final session for the series

Wow!  It is here - our final session of the series!  Well done to you!!

Tomorrow night, we will be cycling over parts of the Womens Tri course, and going over some pointers on transition (that is how to get on and off your bike effectively) for those doing the Tri on Sunday morning.  There is still time to enter if you haven't yet!!  Head to www.nelsonevents.co.nz for full info.

We will meet at 6.30pm at Branford Park, (where we met for the MTB sessions - start of the Maitai Valley). 

If you are not participating in the Tri, but would like to be involved, Averil will gladly welcome you to the crew to help out on the morning - there are various tasks involved so either email / talk to me, or email Averil direct at avewest@clear.net.nz

Over the next week I will email you a feedback form to gather your comments about how the series went.  This is really important for me to fully evaluate the series and for NCC to have solid feedback when looking at whether to run the course again - therefore definitely include the positives along with any constructives.

I have had a few people over the series talk to me about where to go from here, and how to network etc - may I suggest that you bring these ideas tomorrow night, and we head to the Sprig and Fern in Milton St for a celebratory drink and good old fashioned chat after our session.  Well deserved I say!!

See you tomorrow night,

As always, keep active,

27 March 2013

Tonight's session

Tonight we continue our road cycling segment at the Trafalgar Park Cycle Track.  6.30pm.
Jim and Jason will be there again to lead you through different activities designed to gain confidence riding with others.

See you there.

18 March 2013

Road Cycling this Wednesday

This week we begin our road cycling segment.  We will be stationed at the Trafalgar Park Cycle Track, so if you are arriving by car, park in the carpark that we used for the nutrition session earlier on in the series and enter Trafalgar Park by the same gates (carpark off Trafalgar St, enter it either by Trailways or from the access road by Trafalgar Park itself).

We will have Cycling Nelson club members that will take the session, led by Village Cycles guru Jim Matthews and track coach Jason Craig.  They will go over basic riding technique and how to ride confidently with others around you.  A lot of fun!  No need to have a fancy road bike, as long as it has two wheels and goes forwards, mountainbikes etc are absolutely fine.  Remember to bring your helmet too!

See you there, 6.30pm on WEDNESDAY night.

03 March 2013

Racquet Sports this week

I am just finalising the groupings for this coming week - 'racquet' sports.
Remember, this is on Tuesday nights and I have a few spots for either Badminton or Squash remaining.  If you would like to attend the next two weeks of racquet sports, then please email me your preference of either Badminton or Squash, and I will do my best to match it for you.
Badminton is held in Richmond, and Squash at Nelson Squash Club in the city.

In the meantime, enjoy the gorgeous weather, and I will email you again soon with more info related to your session.

26 February 2013

Sea swimming this week

This week we try our hand at sea swimming.  Jon Linyard and Nige Burgess will be there, along with some other Tri Club members to run through some of the key pointers of sea swimming and how it differs to pool swimming.

We will meet on the beach just in front of the Abel Tasman Statue Carpark at 6.30pm.

As mentioned last week, if you have a swimming cap, please bring this to wear, however, no worries if you don't have one.  Similarly, if you have and would like to wear a wetsuit, then go for it.  If you have goggles, bring them too - may make it a bit easier.

When we are in the water, we only swim parallel to shore, and at a depth that you can easily put your feet down on the ground (plus, it is a low tide tomorrow evening).

And advance warning for next week - the badminton/squash will be on Tuesday nights.  I'll email with more info on these soon.

See you there,

14 February 2013

Next week

SPIN challenge this Friday night

I hope you enjoyed last night, and aren't too sore today from using quite different muscle groups.  We will have a similar format session next Wednesday night at Nayland Pool with Ali, Jon and Nige.

As I mentioned last night, if you are keen on picking up a swim pass for $55, then head in and see Jo Perrott at Riverside Pool Reception.  This allows you access to public swimming for three months (mid Feb through to mid April) - perfect if you are keen on doing a bit of swim practice to lead into the Womens Tri on April 7th. 

I spoke with a number of you last night who were concerned about how the swim works for the tri.  It is four lengths of Riverside Pool, and you do this last, after running 5km or walking 3km, then cycling 14km.  The swim works by entering the pool at the steps (no diving), and swimming down the pool for one length, going under the lane rope, and swimming up the pool in the next lane, going under the lane rope and down the pool in the 3rd lane, and then under the final lane rope and swimming up the pool to complete your last lap.  This means you enter at one side of the pool, but finish at the other side.  Your time is taken when you touch the wall, so you don't need to worry about 'racing' up the steps at the end of your swim.  There are a large number of women who will take a kickboard or aquabelt as they enter the pool (there is always a pile of these by the steps for this), to assist them, and also a lot of women will walk the shallow end of the pool and then breaststroke, backstroke, side arm, doggy paddle etc the deeper end.  So, there is absolutely no pressure at all to swim overarm for four lengths!  If that is your goal though - then go for it!

More details on the Womens Tri can be found on the Nelson Events website - http://nelsonevents.co.nz/content/taylors-nelson-womens-triathlon
I will bring some paper entry forms out next week with me too.

This Friday night is the Heart Foundation SPIN challenge at migym.  Nelson Bays Motor Group are sponsoring a team, as they couldn't make one up with their own staff, so .... if you are keen to be involved, then let me know a time, and then I can put you in an ACTIVATOR team.  All you need to do is jump on a spin bike (like you did for the session at migym last year) and spin for thirty minutes, then the next team member gets on.  There is an instructor up front that you can follow along to, and then at 8pm NBS are putting on a celebration.  Email me your preferred time, and I will facilitate.  A $10 donation to the Heart Foundation would be appreciated.
Time slots are in half hours from 4pm through to the last time slot at 7.30pm.

11 February 2013

Swimming this Wednesday

This Wednesday,  the 13th of February we will resume the series with swimming at Nayland Park Pool.  For this, I ask that you email me back if you intend on coming to the sessions as I need to put you into appropriately sized and ability matched groups.  If I don't hear from you, I will assume that you do not wish to attend the swimming sessions.

We have two weeks of pool swimming at Nayland Pool, so if you want to participate but there is one session you know you will be absent for, please also let me know.

Nayland pool is an outdoor pool, for which you can stand on the bottom (Group 1 will always be near the side of the pool and in the shallowest end of the pool). There are changing rooms and showers available.

We may look to have two sessions for each group, ie one group 2 starts at 6.30pm – 7.00pm and a second group 2 starts at 7.00pm – 7.30pm.  This will depends on numbers for each group - I will keep you updated. 

Please email to let me know which of the three groups you would classify yourself.  Base a ‘length’ on a 25m length pool, swimming overarm/freestyle.

Group 1:  Would not feel confident swimming one width or length
Group 2:  Could swim one or two lengths
Group 3:  Could swim many lengths confidently

Let me know if you have any concerns or queries too.

05 February 2013

Reminder that we start back next week

Just a reminder that our sessions are on Wednesday nights now, and that our first session back is on Wednesday the 13th of February (not 6th as on your programme, (it's Waitangi Day) ).

21 January 2013


Adding a post in here, for those that have contacted me wanting to post on the blog - as it is set up to enable you to comment on a post, as opposed to putting your own post up.  Give it a go - leave a comment here.

15 January 2013

Heart Foundation SPIN CHALLENGE:

Heart Foundation SPIN CHALLENGE: Friday 15th February
Anyone keen to be in a Women's Activator Team?  Email me if you are, and your preferred time slot.

Some info from Averil:

It’s likely someone near to you – family; friend; neighbour or work colleague has been or is affected by Heart Disease.

Support the Heart Foundation to stop Nelsonians dying prematurely from Heart Disease and enable everyone to ‘Fulfil a lifetime’.

migym is showing their support by hosting the 4hr Team Spin Challenge from 4.00 through to 8.00pm on Friday February 15th. You’re invited to form and register a team and join the challenge.

Team registration  is $150 – your team can have as many spinners as you like and no one needs any spin or bicycle experience.  migym will have leaders out front to show you the way.  You don’t need to be a gym member – everyone is welcome (as long as they can reach the pedals!)

Pop into migym (Bridge Street) to collect an information pack or call the Heart Foundation (545 7112)

08 January 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope you have had a great Xmas/New Year festive season and are looking forward to a fantastic 2013!!

I know a number of you were talking about using your free Tuesday nights to head out with the NBS Nelson Striders (5.45pm from the carpark opposite the Suter Art Gallery), so just a reminder that the next four weeks they do something a little different and they have their annual Summer Six O'Clock Series up the Maitai Valley.  You are welcome to join them - this week is a 3km, starting from the Golf Course, run or walk back down the Valley to Branford Park. No entry fee, just turn up before 6.00pm.

This Sunday is the NBS Nelson Striders Half Marathon & 10km - if you are keen on a challenge to start the New Year with a bang!  This one is all about guessing your time, with no watches allowed and staggered start times.
More details on http://www.nelsonevents.co.nz/content/nbs-nelson-striders-half-marathon-10km

And entries for the Taylors Nelson Women's Triathlon (Sunday April 7th) are also open - $5 reduced entry fee closes mid Jan, so to take advantage head to http://www.nelsonevents.co.nz/content/taylors-nelson-womens-triathlon

I will be in touch a bit closer to February when we start back.  Just a reminder that our sessions are on Wednesday nights now, and that our first session back is on Wednesday the 13th of February (not 6th as on your programme, (it's Waitangi Day) ).

Also - for those of you working on mastering the 'V' turn on the mountainbike (Dave's group) - the spot where you were practising with Dave, if you walk your bike up a little further along that track, there is a 'nicer' V turn to work on - with that tree absent from view and a less daunting drop off.  (Carl's group were using this one during our last MTB session). I would love to hear how you have been going with it all.  And, once I find out more about the next Skills Clinic from Get Moving I will pass them on to you.