29 November 2008

28 November 2008

Special offer from Gaye Evans, Personal Training

Special offer from Gaye Evans, Personal Training

Pre Xmas evening fitness training for Nelson Women’s Activator Series participants.

Ø Two group sessions per week, Monday and Thursday, for the next three weeks.
Ø 6.30-7.30pm at the Botanics (both sessions).
Ø First session Monday 1st December, last one Thursday 18th December.
Ø $30.00

Not sure? Come to the first session as a free trial.

Email Gaye at gayeevans@xtra.co.nz if you are interested or need more information.

Swim Passes

Great news! Bev from the ASB Aquatic Centre is also happy to offer the three month swim pass for consistent Activator Women again. This will start in January and cover January, February and March. If you are interested in this or in the swim pass at Riverside/Nayland then let me know.
Perfect opportunity to keep working on the swimming in the lead up to the Taylors Womens Tri on the 5th of April. Don't forget to get the kids training too - Nelson Events has an Aquathon on the calendar for the kids - the Port Nelson Kauri Kids Aquathon on the 3rd of April. It will involve a run around the Kauri trail of the Centre of NZ, going through the inflatable NBS obstacle course and then a swim at Riverside Pool. More details to follow soon ..... so keep the whole family active!

24 November 2008

Yay for Activator Women!

Congratulations to Berni Aquilina, Jenni Ball, Abbie Cederman, Sharon Curtis, Kirsty Johnsen, Angie Kearns, Heidi Olykan, Julie Sherratt, MaryAnn van Helden-Stevens and Bee Williamson who all took part in the Smiths Sports Shoes Mahana Half Marathon & 10km yesterday. Awesome effort ladies! I hope you enjoyed your bottle of wine last night.

Thanks also to Shirley Sheppard who came out and supported the women and helped officiate on the day.

21 November 2008

Are you feeling it?

Are the legs and arms a bit sore from last night? I was impressed with how hard you all worked and how fast you all flew around the park - awesome stuff!
For our last session next week we will be having an outdoor training session with Carol Cooper from On The Ball training - which, surprise, surprise will involve some activities with swiss balls. We have about 6 balls, and need a few more - can anyone bring one from home? Please let me know if you can.
Good luck to those of you taking part in the Smiths Sports Shoes Mahana Half Marathon or 10km on Sunday. Remember to keep your fluids up - make sure you have a sipper bottle handy all day tomorrow so that you start well hydrated on Sunday morning. I'll see you there.

20 November 2008

Swim Passes for Jan/Feb/March

If you are interested in getting a swim pass for Riverside Pool (also includes Nayland Pool) for the months of January, February and March can you let me know so I can start to organise. This second swim pass is only available to those that have been regularly coming along to the sessions.

19 November 2008

Thursday's session

This week we are doing a run/walk coaching session at the Botanics. Nadja from Nordic Walking Nelson will be there with her poles for those of you who want to give it a go. Greg Lineham (an official race walking judge & coach) will be there to give some tips on the differences between recreational and race walking and we will have the Striders running group there to put you through your paces for a run/walk session designed to show you how you go about increasing your speed.
See you there!

17 November 2008

Activator Tee

1st draft of the design:
Grey tee with this logo screened across the front (chest).
I'm pricing it out at the moment so will let you know how much soon .... what do you think?

14 November 2008

Special offer from Gaye Evans, Personal Training

Pre Xmas fitness training for Nelson Women's Activator Series participants.

Ø Two group sessions per week, Tuesday and Thursday, for the next five weeks.
Ø Either 6.30am or 9.00am on Tahunanui Beach.
Ø First session Tuesday 18th November, last one Thursday 18th December.
Ø $50.00

Not sure? Come to the first session as a free trial.

Email Gaye at gayeevans@xtra.co.nz if you are interested or need more information.

12 November 2008

Getting into training

When you are starting back into exercise, or beginning on a training plan then remember to start out slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. It is often said that it takes about six weeks to feel the benefits of your training, and get that 'bug' that makes you not want to miss a session. Bear this in mind after your initial enthusiasm starts to wane and it all seems so hard - just stick at it.

Lyndon had some good pointers last week on how to recognise if you are overdoing things a bit. Another way of keeping 'in touch' with your body is to take your resting heart rate every morning before you get out of bed. Count the number of pulses in ten seconds and multiply this by six (to get beats per minute). After about a week you should have a rough indication of what your resting heart rate is.
If you notice it increasing, then use this as an early indication that your body is not coping - you are coming down with something or you may be overtraining. Use this cue to ease up a bit.

Most top athletes will keep a training diary - where they record the sessions they do, how they are feeling and also keep a check on their resting heart rate. Use the plan I gave you in your introductory packs to do the same - it will amaze you at how motivated this keeps you - and it is fantastic to look back on to see all the work you have done. It can be great for the confidence levels going into a race too - to see that you have actually prepared yourself well for the event (even when you think otherwise).

This week's session

This week we will focus on stretching and local P.T Rach Dixon will take you through the session. She will look at the difference between passive and dynamic stretching and also take you through some flexibility testing. 6.30pm at the Botanics (bottom of the Centre of NZ, off Milton St).

09 November 2008

One Mile Time Trial

To see your time - click on the following link http://www.nelsonevents.co.nz/Activator/NelsonActivator.htm
Well done to you all - it's good to have a baseline that you can test yourself against and to set goals from. Maybe you want to improve it by ten seconds each month - and re test yourself in March when we move onto general tri training sessions....

08 November 2008

Best wishes to Jane

One of our own Activator Women - Jane Furkert - was hurt whilst caving up North at Waitomo Caves. We wish you all the best in your recovery Jane and hope to see you back at it again soon.

Missing Jumper

I picked up a green jumper on Thursday night - so if you're missing it, let me know and either arrange to pick it up, or I can bring it along this week. Well done on the one mile time trial too - awesome effort! I will put up the times soon ...

04 November 2008

10 Weeks to 10km's

So you've decided to walk the 10km for the Smiths Sports Shoes Mahana Half & 10km but have a desire to be able to run one? Then the National Heart Foundation 10 Weeks to 10km's Training Program could be for you! Visit http://www.nelsonevents.co.nz/Activator/10WeeksTo10Km.htm to see the full plan to get you running the Shoe Clinic Nelson Striders 10km in January.

This month's Runner's World Magazine published a series of 4-Week training plans - for either your first 5km event, best 10km, best half marathon, marathon or to stay in shape year round. Check out the November issue in store for more details.

Common Questions (from the National Heart Foundation):
What intensity should I walk and run at?

Most of your training unless otherwise indicated should be done at 'conversation pace' or moderate intensity. Conversation pace means that you are exercising at a pace where you are pushing yourself, but can still maintain a conversation. As a rough guide, use the 'talk test'; If you can only manage 2-3 words per breath, you are probably exercising too hard. If you are able to sing while you are exercising you're probably not working hard enough. Aim for the middle ground. Otherwise, imagine about 50-70% of your best effort or maximum heart rate, working hard but feeling in control.

How can I calculate my maximum heart rate?
Use the following calculation: Maximum heart rate (beats/min) = 220-age (in years)
eg. Sue is 52 years old and would have a maximum heart rate of 168 beats/min. (220 - 52 = 168). Her training pace should be somewhere between 84-118 beats/min (50-70% of 168). Don't forget that as you get fitter you will be able to run, walk and jog at a higher pace for the same intensity.

How do I calculate my heart rate per min?
Feel for your pulse (wrist or neck is usually easiest) and count the number of pulses in six seconds then multiply by 10.

Where should I run?
Find somewhere where you feel safe and comfortable. If you are exercising after dark, find a well-lit area and exercise with a friend where possible. For those embarking on running for the first time, head to soft surfaces (rugby fields, pine forests, walking tracks) as they are more forgiving on your joints.

When should I run?
Everyone has a unique time of day when they prefer to exercise. To commit to a long term exercise routine, follow your instincts and find a time that is most suitable for you. For many, time will be a significant barrier to engaging with physical activity. You might have to get up half an hour earlier, go for a walk at lunch time or forget the bus/car and jog home one night. In the beginning, sessions are only 20-30 mins long. Find the time for yourself - it will pay big rewards for your health and fitness.

What about Warm up/Cooling down?
Every session, take 5-10 minutes to ease your body into exercising. Start off slow and as you warm up gently increase your intensity. If tight muscles are hindering your training, stop for a quick stretch before getting into the main part of the workout. Similarly, when you have finished your exercise, take 5-10 minutes to cool down, gently slowing your pace and stretch your running muscles afterwards.

02 November 2008

Activator this week

This week we have a professional talk to start with from Lyndon Chandler of Nayland Physiotherapy. He will talk about injury prevention when starting out on a new training scheme - common things to look out for and some basic preventative measures. He has also informed me that he has a little goodie from his practice for everyone who comes along.

We will meet at 6.30pm at 'Striders Oval' up the Maitai Valley. This differs from the Botanics as advertised. Striders Oval is the cricket ground between the two bridges up the Valley - about one kilometre from the start of the Valley.

We will then walk/run from there up the valley and time trial a one mile stretch down - Nelson Striders will take the time so that you will have a good baseline test to start from. We will then do the same one mile course in March - and you can track your progress and improvement!

Look forward to seeing you there.

01 November 2008

Well done

It was fantastic to see so many of you out at the Waimea Half Marathon today - either in a team or doing the whole thing! I hope you are enjoying your training for the Smiths Sports Shoes Mahana Half Marathon & 10km later this month - remember to take advantage of the series discount you need to enter by the 15th.