I hope you found the tips from the instructors useful - and remember, it was only two hours over two weeks, so you can't expect yourself to be a master mountainbiker just yet! As with any new skill, it takes time to develop the techniques - so practice, practice, practice!
Remember, this Sunday is the annual Jingle Bells Jog and Santa Walk, from the Trafalgar Centre Carpark through to Tahunanui Beach. $5 for an individual or $10 per family entry which goes directly to the Heart Foundation. Dress up in theme and have some Christmas active fun. Prizes for best dressed, most ringing bells among others - more info can be found at http://nelsonevents.co.nz/
There is a returning bus available for an additional $2 donation.
Next Tuesday is our final session for this year, and we will be instore with Carl at Bicycle Business, which is located on Halifax Street, inbetween the library and Burger King. This is on bike maintenance and will cover topics such as how to change a tyre and how to take care of your bike etc.
If I don't see you on Sunday morning, see you Tuesday.
In the meantime, as always, keep active,