28 September 2012

Comment here

Use this post as a test post to make comments ....

25 September 2012

24 September 2012

Session #2

Tomorrow night we begin our running and walking section of the series, and to start we are heading to Shoe Clinic in Bridge Street, Nelson where Brett will take us through the science of correct fitting footwear (and clothing) for optimal support.

Group 1 will go into Shoe Clinic first at 6.30pm.

Group 2 will meet just outside Shoe Clinic where the NBS Nelson Striders will come and meet you to take you on a run or walk for thirty minutes before returning you to Shoe Clinic. 

At 7.00pm the two groups will switch.

Wear comfortable and bright coloured clothing for a 30 min walk or jog, you can leave car keys etc instore with Brett if you wish.

The groups have been emailed this afternoon.  If your name is not on there, then you will jog/walk with the Striders first at 6.30pm.

See you tomorrow night.

Keep active,

20 September 2012

Notes from Session #1

Thanks for a fun night on Tuesday!  Just a quick email to highlight some of the key points:
Medical / Emergency Contact Forms
If you didn't give me yours on Tuesday, please fill one out first thing this coming Tuesday (or bring to your next session if you are not coming this Tuesday) as I need these on file before you can begin the sessions. 
Also remember to please let your 'instructor/enthusiast' know of any concerns you may have prior to starting the activity, and if you are at all unsure. 
Next session
If you are planning on coming this Tuesday night, then please email me to let me know (if you haven't already) as I need to put you into groupings - if I don't hear from you, I will assume you can't make it this week.
The session will be based from the Shoe Clinic in Bridge Street
As daylight savings hasn't started yet, please remember to wear bright clothing as we will be hitting the streets for the run/walk segment of the session.
I will email more info on Monday.
At the start of each session please find the Register clipboard and mark your name - this is for stats purposes as opposed to keeping an attendance register, and is also important for me health and safety wise. 
At any stage that you have any queries outside of our sessions, remember to just get in touch.  Email is easiest for me, as I tend to check it fairly regularly, otherwise phone me at home on 5458453 - if I don't answer, just leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can (our message is one of the 'No one is available to take your call right now' types, at some stage I will figure out how to make a personalised message)!
The Plain Packaging Cards that were in your booklets - some more info from Averil if you are interested and can assist .... also, if you or anyone you know would like help with smoking cessation then Averil can also put you in touch with the relevant people, so please just give her a call, send her an email, or chat to her during one of the sessions she is attending
The Heart Foundation supports plain packaging of tobacco products as one of a number of initiatives leading to a Smokefree New Zealand Aotearoa 2025.
We ask for your support by completing the emailed submission form and returning it to the address noted or you can drop it into the Heart Foundation office at 42 Halifax Street.  (We need them back by Sept 28th)
This is all about removing a temptation so our young people don’t decide to experiment with tobacco.
If you would like to see the effect the current packaging has on our little ones visit www.heartfoundation.org.nz and click on ‘Take action on plain packaging’. (http://www.heartfoundation.org.nz/get-involved/take-action/smoking-and-the-heart)
Please encourage your family, friends, workmates, neighbours to help the Heart Foundation, Cancer Society and a number of other health promoting agencies to ensure we achieve plain packaging of tobacco products by sending in a submission.
If you have any queries please call Averil West at the Heart Foundation, 03 545 7112 or 021 303 160.

17 September 2012

All full up

Yes - our 100 participant limit has now been reached.  If you still wish to take part, please still send in your form to NCC as a wait list has started and will be on a first in, priority basis - we may be able to open up some more slots a bit further on.



Please note that I do not handle the registrations, these are all done at Nelson City Council - so I am unable to reserve or hold spots for you. 

When the 100 limit has filled, we start a wait list on a first in priority basis, so if spots are able to be opened up a bit later on, I will contact you to see if you are still keen - so if you really want to do the series, still get your form in!  (Payment will only be processed once a spot is confirmed).

I am heading out country this morning until early afternoon, so will get an email out to participants later today regarding our first session tomorrow night.

Keep active,
Amanda ;)

16 September 2012

First session

Hi all,
I will be picking up the last of the registration forms tomorrow when I head into NCC - last I heard there were just over 80 spots gone as at 1.30pm, so assuming the last of the spots will be gone quite early on Monday morning.  AWESOME to have such a fun packed and eager group once again taking part.

I will email you all Monday afternoon with details about our first session.
No need for active wear though, just wear something comfortable.

See you all soon!

14 September 2012

73 spots secured as of 9.45am

this morning ...

Remember to get your form and payment in to NCC if you want to be involved.

There are registration forms available at the counter, or if you want I can email or post one out to you - just get in touch.

12 September 2012

Something for the men ...

MANSPORT is here!

Please let the men in your life (colleagues, friends, partners etc) know about the Mens series - more info can be found over at:


Their series starts Tuesday October 2nd.  Registrations now open.

YES - still spaces

YES - there are still spaces in the 2012 2013 Nelson Women's Activator Series, currently just over half full, so please don't leave it too long if you are really keen on being involved this year.

Remember, if you need a form posted out or emailed to you just get in touch.

05 September 2012

Registration forms available NOW

Registration form now available to download over at http://www.nelsoncitycouncil.co.nz/womens-activator-series (or you can pick up one at the Customer Service Centre at NCC in Trafalgar Street).

03 September 2012


Registrations for the 2012 2013 Nelson Women's Activator Series are now OPEN.

The registration form will be uploaded here soon, and also on the NCC website.

You can head into the Customer Service Centre at NCC, Trafalgar St to register over the counter (they can take cash and eftpos there) or you can send your form in with a cheque.

If you would like me to email you a form or have any queries, then flick me an email to nelsonactivator@gmail.com or phone (03) 545 8453

See you soon!