27 October 2010

Spring Ride Stride

01 November to 30 November 2010

This is your chance to have fun with friends, family or workmates and be in to win some great prizes.
Spring Ride Stride is a game for teams of up to 10 people. If you have more than 10, make two teams.
Each team sets a walking and/or cycling goal, for example, the length of the South Island. Each walk and ride a member of your team does in a month adds to the total.
Just think - each time you walk to a cafe for a coffee, bike to work, or each time you walk the kids to the playground, you're getting closer to your goal.

Step 1: Get a team together - up to 10 members (your family/whanau, friends, workmates etc)
Step 2: Choose a captain
Step 3: Create a team name
Step 4: Complete the registration form (available from the Heart Foundation, ph 545 7112) and send it in
Step 5: Receive your Spring Ride Stride kit
Step 6: Team members report weekly distance to captains, who provide updates on www.springridestride.org.nz
Step 7: Tell us a fun, odd or interesting story about your team and/or send in a team photo and you could win a prize
Step 8: Complete and send in your team chart by 10 December 2010 to be in for prizes

Taken from the registration form provided by NCC, TDC, Way2Go, Sport Tasman, NMDHB, and the Nelson branch of the Heart Foundation

26 October 2010

MiGym Saturdays

Check out MiGym on facebook for their latest offer - free Saturdays for November!

21 October 2010


This coming Tuesday is our final of the road cycling segment, we will again meet at the Trafalgar Park cycle track and will head out on the road to cover some of the Womens Tri course (mainly the Maitai Valley segment). Meet at the park at 6.30pm.

Don't forget that Monday evenings there is the womens only hour at the track - 5.00pm - 6.00pm with Cycling Nelson. $2 per session. See you there!!

16 October 2010

This Tuesday's session

This week, we again meet at the Trafalgar Park Cycle Track - same entrance point as last week. 6.30 - 7.30pm.
See you there!

08 October 2010

Tuesday's Session: Road Cycling begins

Our next session is the start of our road cycling segment. This is based at the Trafalgar Park cycle track, 6.30pm - 7.30pm.

The entrance is via the carpark (you can enter either by turning in at Trailways, or by the little road by the Nelson Rugby Clubrooms (both off Trafalgar St). Head inside the park gate and turn right to enter the cycle track via the old grandstand.

You will need a bike and helmet. Leave any bags or loose items on the grandstand while you ride.

05 October 2010

Tonight's Session

Tonight's session is at Ride Nelson, Halifax St. 6.30pm
See you there!

04 October 2010

Message from Migym

We were thrilled to have you all in migym last week, trying something new. We've had great feedback from all the classes we held for you, and many of you have been back in for another look! We welcome you to come and try another class, or to do a full hour of Zumba, or just come in for a look around the gym. Our staff are all trained professionals who can help with any queries you may have. See you soon! Rachael and the migym team.

*Ab Blast is a 15min ab workout, all other classes 50-60 mins

01 October 2010

Session 3

Next week we head to Ride Nelson in Halifax St (opposite NCC, next to the library) for a one hour session on bike maintenance and basic mechanic skills (ie how to change a tyre etc).

I need to do a bit of forward planning for this one, so can you please email me if you are going to be there on Tuesday night - nelsonactivator@gmail.com

You only need to bring yourself, no need to bring a bike - as Carl, Jarron and the team will demonstrate on bikes instore.