25 February 2009

Activator Tee

If you want a 'free' Activator shirt then volunteer your help for the Blokes' Day Out on Sunday March 29th (morning). In exchange for your time and smiling energy Nelson Events will pay for your shirt (or a Women's Tri shirt if you would prefer that). Or alternatively if you have a friend or partner (or you if not competing)who wants to help marshall at the Women's Tri - they help out, and you can get the t-shirt. Let me know if you are keen to take up the offer.

Taylors Nelson Women's Triathlon Cycle Course

Well done for completing the cycle course last night - for those that couldn't make it, the course is as follows:

Branford Park, Maitai Valley Road. Along Maitai Valley Road, turn as directed (Maitai Valley Motor Camp), return to Nile Street (Turing Right - take care). Left into Tasman/Brook Street, head up the valley to the third bridge - right onto the Miro Street bridge, right into Westbrook Tce, then right into Seymour Ave bridge, followed by a hard left back onto Brook/Tasman Streets to the second Roundabout. Right into Nile Street followed by a Left into Domett Street.

Dismount when directed by marshalls. Run/walk bike to 'catchers'.

23 February 2009

Final Road Cycling Session

Tomorrow evening is the final of the road cycling sessions, and this week we will leave the park and venture out onto the roads in order to cover the Taylors Nelson Women's Triathlon cycle course.

We will still meet at the park at 6.30pm and will return there so if you are driving into town then still park outside Trafalgar Park. If you arrive early, then get warmed up and cover a few laps round the cycle track first (best place to keep practicing the skills you've learnt over the last few weeks).

Well done to our Activator Women who completed the Port Nelson Big Bay Bike yesterday - 70km of pure pleasure!! Don't forget about the Tussock Spirit of the Moutere coming up on the 15th of March (all riders receive a bottle of wine when they finish).

09 February 2009

Session Two of Road Cycling

Tomorrow is session two of our road cycling series - if you didn't make it last week it doesn't matter, rust off your bike and come down. 6.30pm at the Trafalgar Park cycle track (inside the park).
We will focus on how to ride confidently behind another rider and how to pass safely. If you are already super confident then take this opportunity to get some mileage in and ride some laps with others - remember it is 520m per lap, so it doesn't take long before you have cycled a fair way.

For those of you that are keen to continue your running and walking after the Striders Summer Series, they go back to their regular run and walk tomorrow night from opposite the Suter Art Gallery on Bridge St at 5.45pm.

See you at the park,

04 February 2009

Port Nelson Blokes' Day Out Entries now open

Get your partner active and enter him in the Port Nelson Blokes' Day Out this year - it's on one week before the Women's Tri. There is the Port Nelson Partners Challenge to make it more interesting - see the website for more details. www.nelsonevents.co.nz

02 February 2009

February is the month of Road Cycling

This month sees us perfecting our Road Cycling skills with Cycling Nelson. We start this Tuesday night at Trafalgar Park (entry from the carpark off Trafalgar St) at 6.30pm. Jim Matthews will be taking us. If you need to get your bike looked over then head in to see him at Village Cycles in Richmond or pop in and see Carl and the team at BikeHQ in Nelson.
See you Tuesday.